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Intake CareFacts Customers
What's your interest?
Hi! What kind of question or interest do you have?
Meerdere antwoorden mogelijk
I would like to know more about the Gemstracker platform
I would like to know more about the CareFacts services
I would like to know whether GemsTracker@Carefacts can be a solution for me
I just have a question
Please state your question here:
Uw antwoord
What about GemsTracker would you like to know more about?
Uw antwoord
What about our sevices would you like to know more about?
Meerdere antwoorden mogelijk
Hosting of test and demo environment (here you develop your own site)
Hosting of production environment (here you start collecting data from real patients/ respondent)
Data migration
Data exchange with other ICT systems
Consultancy: Implementation
Consultancy: Data science
Legal: the law and quality registrations, research, data governance
In order to figure out whether Gemstracker can be a solution for you, we will ask you some questions about your project.
Based on your answers we will get in touch with you to with advice and recommendations.
What kind of solution are you looking for? That is, what part of the project do you think you would most likely need help?
Meerdere antwoorden mogelijk
Determining which measurements need to be done
Determining the structure of the measurement track
ICT stuff: hosting, data integration, migration of systems
Analysis and visualisation of the collected data
Getting insight into our own internal processes regarding outcome measurements
Change management: convincing others to do things differently
Strategic planning for growth in healthcare
What expertise is available within the organisation
that can be used
to make the project a succes?
Meerdere antwoorden mogelijk
Medical expertise in the field of study/ registration
Scientific knowledge in study design and statistics
Expertise in data analysis and visualisation
Strong leadership and vision in 'value based healthcare'
An enthousiastic team of doctors
An enthousiastic team of managers
Of course, whether or not such expertise is indeed
needed for your project
will be determined later.
Project type
What kind of organisation are you affiliated with?
Kies één van de volgende antwoorden
Academic Medical Center
Private Clinic (ZBC)
University/ Academic Center
Research Institute
ICT Company
Do you have a website? We will use the layout (color scheme, etc) of this site to give your test site a familiar look and feel.
Uw antwoord
Please provide the url: e.g.
Do you want a logo of your organisation on your site? Please upload the image file here (only png or gif).
Upload maximaal één bestand
Upload bestanden
Heigth of the image should not exceed 80 pixels.
What kind of project are you involved in where Carefacts might play a role?
Meerdere antwoorden mogelijk
Medical quality registrations (outcome measurements)
Clinical research
Medical data integration
Analysis (Business intelligence)
Medical Auditing
In what medical field do you want to collect data?
Uw antwoord
What is the duration of the project?
Kies één van de volgende antwoorden
1-3 month
3-6 months
6-12 month
1-2 years
2-5 years
> 5 years
Are there already published guidelines on which measurements should be performed?
Meerdere antwoorden mogelijk
No/ I am not sure
Yes, from ICHOM
Yes, from the National organisation of medical specialists
Yes, from scientific literature
Yes, from the governement/ medical inspection
Yes, from the health insurance company
Yes, from our branche organisation
Yes, from our own organisation
How many users (medical personel, researchers, managers, etc) do you think will need to use the system?
Kies één van de volgende antwoorden
more than 500
We are NOT talking about the number of patients/ respondents that will use GemsTracker, we mean the users that will need an access account to GemsTracker. Count only the users that will most likely access the site every month.
From how many respondents (patients, subjects) do you plan to collect data within the project.
In dit veld mogen alleen cijfers ingevoerd worden.
Uw antwoord
Fill in the number of respondents per year (on average) for longer projects
Have you thought about which measurements should take place?
Kies één van de volgende antwoorden
No, we are still in an early stage
Yes, but we are still exploring the possibilities
Yes, we know which questionnaires and forms we want distribute
Yes, we have an exact specification of the questionnaires and forms we want distribute
Have you thought about when these measurements would have to take place? How many moments of data collection are there approximately?
Kies één van de volgende antwoorden
1-5 moments
5-10 moments
more than 10 moments
Have you thought about who are going to collect data within your project? Please fill in the appropriate roles:
Meerdere antwoorden mogelijk
patients/ clients/ subject
healthcare professionals (doctor, nurse, therapists)
supporting medical personel
dedicated personel involved in the study (reseach assistents, students)
relation of the patient/ client/ subject (parents, GP, other medical professional)
How many different measurement instruments (questionnaires or forms) do you think you will use approximately?
Kies één van de volgende antwoorden
1-5 questionnaires or forms
6-15 questionnaires or forms
16-30 questionnaires or forms
more than 30 questionnaires or forms
no idea yet
Are there particular standardized questionnaires you want to use in your data collection? We have a large repository of questionnaires and provided there is no copyright we will add the questionniares to your site for free.
Uw antwoord
Please list the questionnaires you want here
GemsTracker can work perfectly without connecting to other ICT systems. For a stand alone installation all that is needed to have everything working is that there is a minimal description of the respondent (patient): a unique ID, a name, the gender and an emailadres. However this would need to filled in manually. Either
one by one
whenever a new respondent comes in or in
using the GemsTracker
import function
. If you have already a ICT system which contains this information it can be wise to set up a more permanent connection with GemsTracker.
What do you think will suit your project best?
Kies één van de volgende antwoorden
Manually entering respondent information
Bulk import of respondent records
Permanent connection, a (real-time) data exchange with another ICT system
Gemstracker has extensive export functionality for (csv, excel, spss, stata etc). However, would it be nessesary that data collected in Gemstracker is also immediate availabe in other ICT systems? Or can a manual export-import to the other system suffice?
Please tell us what most likely will be needed:
Kies één van de volgende antwoorden
A manual export and an import to the other system will be oke
We would like to be able to use the collected data immedialty in other ICT system
We don't need a connection to another ICT system
Please leave your email adres and/ or telephone number here, so we can get back to you:
Uw antwoord
Do you perhaps have (another) question that was still not addressed?
Uw antwoord
Describe your question here
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